Thursday, June 18, 2009

Rest In Him And Wait Paitently For Him ( Psalm 37:7 )

Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.

Psalms 37:7


I love how this verse begins rest in the Lord. I know many nights as I go to bed and it doesn't matter the time and when I have to get up I know I shall get rest for my comfort and rest is not in the physical bed which I lay in,but in the Lord. I can't begin to count how many times, how I've awoke the next morning so refreshed despite some nights not getting to bed even as late as midnight. The Lord is gracious and provides everything we need even our very basic needs as sleep, but first and foremost we should be seeking Him first in all aspects of our lives.

Notice here also David is pointing out to wait patiently on the Lord. This character trait of humans is one that I do believe even in a believer's life needs to be worked on. After all nobody is perfect, but as I've stated before this gives us no excuse to toss our hands ups, but instead to press on knowing He is with us every step of the way. For remember He who began a good work will complete it( Philippians 1:6 ). This doesn't mean He might finish or well, if you do this or that, no this states He will complete it through you. This amazes me daily as I see growth and say to myself Lord I know I couldn't have gotten this far on my own. I acknowledge that there are days where He is holding my hand while others where He is carrying me. I'm not saying that I'm any stronger one day than the other,but I think the analogy speaks for itself. Some days we are going through our walk and things are fine, but others are pure hell and if not for His grace and strength we know would not be here today.

Friends here in this passage David talks about not fretting or worrying about those prospering by their evil doing. I believe today, believers can really relate to this. It seems so often that we who share the good news and do good seem to have little to show. What I mean is we don't have twenty cars or huge bank accounts. Well, what always encourages me is this I remember I have everything I need when I remember I have the Lord as my God. For He created everything, He provides me with all that I need, He upholds me daily and He sent His Son to die for my sins so who cares how much I have in my bank account, I have Him. It is not the abundance of one's things that makes a man's life( Luke 12:15 ).

Friends as you read the rest the psalm you see David talks about what shall come to pass for the wicked. So friends I'm not condemning people who have a lot. Instead there is a number of things brothers and sisters you can take from this. One do not covet, as it is written thou shalt not covet( Exodus 20:17 ) and remember as those who love the Lord thy God will obey His commands( John 14:15 ). Another do not worry about those who prosper as a result of evil doing for in due season they will be cut off. Instead of worrying about how they are prospering instead be more focused on sharing the gospel message with others and them as well. They need it and why not show them compassion for at one time you were enemies as well. A third point, in waiting on the Lord in general, wait patiently. Something I was thinking about the other day if the Lord has given you a promise don't rush to fulfill it in your time. Instead wait on Him patiently and seek His will in it. This can cover a broad spectrum, but I promise this by rushing into a situation because you think you have waited long enough versus waiting on Him patiently is not a good idea. Remember what the scriptures say, trust in the Lord always, lean not on your own understanding( Proverbs 3:5-6 ).

Friends be encouraged to patiently wait on the Lord. No matter how life looks or how your feeling give God the glory due unto Him. I've found through tough times shouting praise to Him is quite uplifting and puts a joy in my heart. Rest in Him brothers and sisters I promise you will find rest.

Good night and God bless,
John W. Whybrew III <><

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