Thursday, June 4, 2009

An Abundance Of Possessions Doesn't Make One's Life ( Luke 12:15 )

And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.

Luke 12:15


You know I am so glad God has opened my eyes. If not I would be still trying to fill my life up with the abundance of material things or just possessing things in general. When you take a look at our culture and our society you can quickly see it is all about what you have and that determines in their eyes your life and who you are. The beauty is we as believers know it is not what we can do, not who we are or where we are from that is where we find our identity, but in Christ alone where we find our identity. You know I'll admit before I knew Jesus I could never find contentment. I was constantly trying to fill my life with something and wondering why it never could. Sure I may have never said it then, but that was what I was doing. The truth is nothing in this world will satisfy you or fill you, only Christ can fill that. You know and this was a thought I had once why is it people who are rich want more money outside I know you have to pay bills and such, but why the constant race for more money, more fame and more power. Why continue to burn yourself to such degrees? It is now as I continue walking with God that it makes sense. Nothing else satisfies. Now I am in no way am I saying making money is bad or going up in job promotions is bad either, but being covetous is.

It is being so concerned about you and forgetting others. The focus is "I" focused and not Christ focused. Friends instead we have to look at life in a Christ centered view with this way with our possessions and well, our lives in general, if God can get glory from us being poor then praise Him for it. When He blesses you don't horde it, instead turn that blessing back into praise. For example and I know this may sound very small, but I apply it in all areas and continue to work more on it. Whenever I find any money at work or anywhere I give in addition to my offering. My look on it, is one it isn't mine and I am thankful the Lord gave it to me, so I cheerfully give( 2 Corinthians 9:7 ) it back thanking Him. I know I don't have to as no one else knows I find it, but I just want to. That is what it means to cheerfully give. A desire to give the Lord what is already His. Not because you have to,but you love to. Brothers and sisters I encourage you to do the same. This doesn't just have to be money it can be other things as well. Give it freely and cheerfully all for His glory.

I've found in my life that my life is so much fuller just for knowing God, wanting to know Him more, and pursuing Him daily. I realize that even because my bank account may not show me rich, I can say otherwise for I am His and He is mine. For the riches I have are incorruptible and my joy is in Him. Be encouraged throughout your day to not base your value or life on your possessions, but instead based on your value on who you are in Christ alone.

Good night and God bless,
John W. Whybrew III <><

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