Saturday, June 20, 2009

An Honest & Tried Ministry ( 2 Corinthians 4:1-3 )

Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not;

But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.

But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:

2 Corinthians 4:1-3


Friends, brothers and sisters when we share the gospel we must in all necessity share it in truth. I know that may sound obvious, but sadly friends there are men claiming to do the work of God, but are twisting His Words and turning the pulpit into something other than what it should. For those men who are faithfully preaching the Word of God I commend them and pray for them to keep on fighting the good fight of faith. Notice here in this text the Apostle Paul is addressing that there is no deceit in his ministry for it is not about him. As you read in verse 5 he clearly states he does not preach himself,but he preach Christ Jesus. Friends this can be a very clear indicator if a man is serving God. If when a man stands in the pulpit or shares elsewhere, if his message comes across man centered versus Christ centered there is a problem. A man who is a disciple of Christ should remember his ministry is not about him and remember discipleship 101: deny self, take up your cross daily and follow after Jesus( Luke 9:23 ). What really touches my heart and not to sound emotional, but just the only way I know how to put it in words is how a man knows only to give credit where credit is due. He measures all his success in his life and ministry to God. Another words he doesn't say man I just gave a great sermon, instead he thanks God for giving him the words to speak. He humbly admits God has blessed him with the resources he has.

Friends I don't have my own ministry, but as we are called to be His witnesses( Acts 1:8 ) we a certain sense have our individually, yet connected ministry called the body of Christ. I'm sure every one of my brothers or sisters can think of how God has provided for them. Whether it has been a material items, a message to speak at a service, a word of encouragement to fellow brother or sister, the words to say when sharing your faith, or even the restoring of joy. Whatever the case may be we as Christians preach Christ not ourselves.

Something I find very beautiful in verse 1 is it talks about since we have received mercy and through this ministry we faint not. Through doing good, fighting the good fight of faith there will be rough and quite stretching days. The beauty is you will not faint for He will provide you the strength to make it the extra mile. I know there have been days where by the end of the day I've looked back and can only say I made it by the grace of God. Last month in May I had a bad day. It was one of those days in a Christian's life you just don't wake up looking to have, but at the same time have some degree of responsibility in it. I can tell you all today the reason I am stronger today is become of God who got me through that day and His restoration.

You know I was sharing this with my brother(in Christ), how my shoes were like picture story. For anyone and I doubt anyone has looked this close at my shoes, they are a bit rough, but they have been through quite a lot; snow, rain, mud,much walking and well me wearing them. The thing is I compared this to the Christian life. We don't live an easy life, it is rough and we do pick up some scars along the way through the battle we endure, but the scriptures clearly indicate he who endures to end shall be saved( Matthew 24:13 ). Much like when you trade your old shoes for new ones, one day we shall trade this earthly vessel for an incorruptible body and see our savior face to face. You know its beautiful imagery I have gotten like this that I can only give credit to God. Even though I was sitting alone one day and this thought came to mind, I can give myself honestly no credit for who gave me this mind and who upholds me day to day?

Friends be encouraged daily as you share Christ with others. Don't faint in doing good. Granted mocking will happen and even the possibility of persecution. Even if they accuse you of telling falseness or fairy tales, remember the Word of God does not come back void( Isaiah 55:11 ). What you share will serve the purpose for which the Lord has intended it. Remember on that day when we shall see Him, He will say well done thy good and faithful servant( Matthew 25:23 ). Just be faithful and be willing to share despite what the world may think of you. Remember this, whose approval are you seeking theirs or God's ?

Good night and God bless,
John W. Whybrew III <><

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