Thursday, May 21, 2009

Show Me Your Ways ( Psalm 25:4-5 )

Shew me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths.

Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.

Psalm 25:4-5


God is the only one who can guide us. We must seek His guidance and direction in all things. I love how David writes shew me thy ways. First off he is saying show me Your ways God. Another words when we need guidance in our lives we should say God show me Your way in how I should approach this. Too often we we want to take our approach to how we should handle a situation and then want God to fix our mess. Doesn't that just seem a little backwards? Now granted we may get in situations and need His help, but first and foremost we need to be seeking His guidance, His directions, and as David wrote shew me thy ways O Lord.

Next David continues with teach me thy paths. It is not enough that we know His ways,but that He instructs us.How does He do that? He instructs us by His Word. Friends I've spoken about this before that God is my schoolmaster. He teaches me daily and I'm glad to learn daily. I realize that I don't ever get to a point where I have it figured out and can say I can walk on my own. Instead I know that everyday I depend on God to help me get through by leading me. As you can see the end of verse 4 and the beginning of verse 5 link together. They link together in that how He leads us and teaches us is in His truth which is His Word. Friends I can't rely on my mind or my heart to guide me. One my heart is deceitful above all things( Jeremiah 17:9 ). I can't rely on my mind to lead for there is a way that seems right to man and that leads to death( Proverbs 14:12 ). So it is quite obvious we must be lead by God's Word and use His Word to lead our hearts and minds as well.

Friends as Christians we must totally rely on God to guide us. For this guidance we need to be lead by His Word which is the truth just as David wrote lead me in thy truth. This doesn't mean getting alll legalistic and say do I need God's guidance about eating the corn first or the broccoli, but seeking His guidance in our lives and seeking His will for our lives.I do love how David wrote in verse 5 on thee do I wait all the day. Another words friends when you are approaching big decisions seek God's face and if it takes all day for a response wait. Don't just give God 5 minutes or a few seconds, wait till you hear from God. Just as David wrote He is the one who gave us our salvation and why is it we can't wait? Why can't we just wait to hear from Him? Shouldn't waiting on a response from God be important to us and vital as the food we eat? As it is written man can not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from God( Deuteronomy 8:3 ).

Brothers and sisters I encourage you let the Lord be your guide in all that you do. He will never lead you astray and will always be with you every step of the way. Be encouraged to know even when the journey gets rough that He will provide comfort even in those times. In fact I love how the Apostle Paul put it the joy we can even find in our suffering( Colossians 1:24 ). Not that we look forward to getting hurt, but that we endure for Christ's sake. This pain is for God's glory despite how difficult it may seem, it works for our good. Once again my brothers and sisters be encouraged and seek God for His guidance.

Good night and God bless,
John W. Whybrew III <><

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