Friday, May 8, 2009

Prove All Things, That Means Everything! ( 1 Thessalonians 5:21 )

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

1 Thessalonians 5:21


Prove all things, this means everything. This doesn't mean some things or a couple of things,but it includes every aspect of our lives. It really does amaze me how people can go to church on Sunday then watch or read such garbage. What I mean by garbage is stuff that in no means gives God glory,but somehow they feel they are mature enough to either watch it or it isn't too bad. Friends when the Apostle Paul wrote prove all things, he meant for us to test everything by God's Word. This means everything should be filtered by God's Word. Here is food for thought could you bring your bible with you in that movie? If the answer to that question is no then friends I urge you to not watch it. The bible is very clear when it says to guard our hearts( Proverbs 4:23 ). Whether people realize it or not, but what we watch does effect us and why I ask would you be wasting your time with such garbage. I will tell you personally since God has convicted me of this it may have limited what I watch, but it has in no way limited my joy. For friends I find my joy in God. So people may say your not cool cause you don't want to go see this or read that. I don't care, the Lord calls me to be holy for He is holy( ,Leviticus 19:2,1 Peter 1:16). Being holy is living a life separated and no I'm not perfect,but everyday I seek out to be like the one who saved me. I seek out to not be conformed to this world and instead deny myself, take up my cross, and follow Him.

I love then what the Apostle Paul says in this verse as well hold fast to that what is good. So when we prove all things and find those that are good we hold fast to them that are good. To hold fast is to adhere to. Friends we know what is good through His Word. So what I can's understand is how there are those who call themselves Christians not adhering to what the Word clearly states. They are basically following some of the rules and if something doesn't fit in or feel good to them they just omit it. How they do this just doesn't make sense. God desire obedience and they feel somehow they can do what they want and everything is fine is not making any sense. God didn't give us all this grace so we could sin all we want. The Apostle Paul covered this in Romans chapter 6. My suggestion and I say this with love is to go back and reread it.

Friends be encouraged and know I speak to you in love. Be encouraged that as you walk with the Lord that you prove all things by His Word. This may not always be comfortable, but friends live a life pleasing to Him.Remember we were created to glorify Him.Let His desires become yours.

Good night and God bless,
John W. Whybrew III <><

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