Saturday, May 23, 2009

Not Our Will, But HIS Will Be Done ( Luke 22:42 )

Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.

Luke 22:42


Friends what still to this amazes me is these words were the words of encouragement I remember God gave me while my grandmother was sick in the hospital last year in November. I know I've spoken about this before,but I can't help,but talk about the goodness of the Lord. Through praying His will in this very tough time in my life really changed my prayer life and not just my prayer life, but me as well. Friends what is amazing is that is what prayer can and will do. Granted God does hear us and does answer prayers. I'm not taking anything from that. Friends believe me I still have my grandmother which is doing much better thanks to God. Thanks to His healing touch she is doing much better. What I'm saying is this God through this trial strengthen my faith. Through it, a greater dependence on Him developed and honestly that is beautiful. I'm not saying I never did,but instead of it pulling me from Him, it drew me closer to Him.

So often we hear Christ is the standard,but how many seek to follow that standard in our prayer life? How many when we pray about something pray like Christ did your will be done? Friends this doesn't its wrong to ask for healing or pray for your brothers and sister who are going through trials. What this means is that you ask for God's will in that circumstance. You know this make me think of the Apostle Paul who inquired of Christ something three times. What was the response he got. We read in 2 Corinthians 12:9, " For my grace is sufficient". That is Jesus speaking to Paul saying my grace is sufficient. Sometimes friends we may have trials or storms we won't get around,but instead He will get us through. I was talking with a brother about this last month I think and it was about a medical condition I have. I can't remember how I said it exactly ,but I do remember that for me Christ's grace is sufficient. The way I look at it, I may be healed or may not, if not maybe I will or maybe I won't. Still I love God for who He is, not for what He does.

Friends the beauty I've found in praying His will is that I know He knows my very needs much better than I do. I place my trust in God who knows the future. It may not be easy or comfortable, but I promise it will change you. I know it has me. Look to Christ as He is our standard, He taught us to pray and therefore we should pray as He did. Be encouraged brothers and sisters.

Good night and God bless,
John W. Whybrew III <><

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