Monday, May 11, 2009

Pursue God By Getting In Deep ( 2 Timothy 2:15 )

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

2 Timothy 2:15


You know just from the very first word you see the seriousness. What I mean is we as Christians need to be as I heard it put a man or woman of the text. We need to get in and get deep. Notice it doesn't start with read a little or skim through, but it says study. When you prepare for a test, that you need to pass would you barely look over the material? No! Sadly and I do say there are Christians going to church taking the college approach to knowing their bible. What do I mean by this. They are just getting by. They maybe read it when they are at church and who knows maybe a few times outside of church,but how many times more than that.Friends this can not be the approach we take. Granted God didn't say you need to read your bible this many times a day or for this many hours. The question then I ask is why is it people can't spend more time in His Word? Why can't they spend more time getting deep and getting to know God through His Word.

Believe me every bit is profitable for us to read. You know what everything thing you need is in there. How can we share the good news if we don't know it? How can we reach the lost if we aren't being obedient? Does it not say in this verse study to show thyself approved unto God? Friends whether your a pastor rightly dividing God's Word or a witness for God sharing His Word to others you should be in the Word. Studying God's Word is not limited to those in ministry.

When the Apostle Paul writes in this verse that we shouldn't be ashamed this goes hand in hand with studying. Friends when they ask for what do we hope we should have answer and not just Jesus loves me. Yes I know He loves, but so much deeper. I have hope in knowing that when my life ends that I have been passed from death into life( John 5:24 ) through the atoning blood of Jesus( John 3:16 ). Praise God I can share with them, that by grace through faith I have been saved and can only give praise to Him who saved me for I have nothing in myself to boast in( Ephesians 2:8-9).

Last I'd like to cover what it says at the end of the verse by rightly dividing the Word. Sadly I will say there are men in pulpits who are not doing this. Instead what they are doing is interpreting the scripture to fit how they want it. Friends when a man who is standing in a pulpit and not being faithful to delivering God's Word as it is he is doing a disservice. I venture to say if they are putting their own twist or just making it to tickle the ears of the congregation this is just adding to apostasy.

Friends a pastor's job is to rightly divide God's Word and since none of us(the pastor included) are perfect it should help us in our walk with God. So by a pastor not dividing God's Word rightly this is sad to say,but the people would have been better off not being there. This is why and friends know I say this with love, as I said the other night prove all things( 1 Thessalonians 5:21 ). This includes people and not to mention I believe it was the Apostle John who said to test the spirits( 1 John 4:1 ).

Brothers and sisters be encouraged to get deep in God's Word. Don't say I don't have time, instead make time. Believe me I can't tell you how much I love what God shows me through His Word. Even if I only get to read a chapter or two, to me that means a lot. God still speaks, we just need to listen and get deep. So once again I encourage you get deep.

Good night and God bless,
John W. Whybrew III <><

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