Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things ( Jeremiah 17:9 )

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Jeremiah 17:9


Wow! Strong and something the world would never tell you. Instead there are saying like follow your heart or do all to your heart's content. Instead I have something biblical let God's Word direct your heart. When is the last time you heard a song on tv say that or on a commercial during valentine's day say that? This goes so much deeper, in fact two verses up is one of my favorite verse blessed is the man who puts his trust in the Lord( Jeremiah 17:7 ). To me it is a total dependence on God and not relying neither on our heart nor our mind for both can lead us astray. As it is written trust in the completely and lean not on your own understanding( Proverbs 3:5 ).

Scary isn't it to think your heart can lead you astray,but it will. For me personally I can see some decisions in my life before Christ where I made them based on what my "heart" told me or basically what I felt. Friends we can't go on what we feel, instead we must go by what His Word says. He has given us everything we need. Last night I had the opportunity to teach a youth group who is dear to me in Forsyth and one point I addressed was knowing the Word. We have to study it so not to be deceived. In Matthew 24 Jesus said take head lest you be deceived( Matthew 24:4 ). Think about it He was talking to the men who had been walking, talking and living with Him, yet He was warning them. If they needed warning and to be aware so should we.

So friends I encourage you to get deep in His Word. Don't let your heart lead you, instead let His Word direct your heart.

God bless,
John W. Whybrew III <><

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