Thursday, April 23, 2009

Are Contending The Gospel ? ( 1 Timothy 6:12 )

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses

1 Timothy 6:12


This message has been on my heart for a few days and tonight I feel led to share it. The other day I wrote as my status on here are you contending the gospel or compromising it? Friends when you read these words from the Apostle Paul I get a clear image that he is stressing the importance of contending the gospel. When I think of contending, I think of boxing and when a boxer gets in the ring he goes in to win and lays it all on the line. He doesn't give up, he doesn't turn back, but fights till the last round. Brothers and sisters this is the same attitude we need to have we need to defend the faith. Now I'm not saying go out and bash people with bibles. No that is not what I mean,but what I mean is stand up for what you believe. Don't let others back you in a corner and be quiet. Don't be afraid of what they call you. Friends I'll be the first to tell you if someone wants to call me crazy, nuts, or a religious nut because I passionately love Jesus and show it in my life then so be it. If that means my life will be one as a life of an exile, so be it. I didn't choose a life to be loved by man or popular of man. I live to please the one who created me. I serve God and God alone.

Friends I know it won't be popular the stances on take on big issues. I know I won't be the cool one in crowds and chances are I won't get invited to the big events, but who cares. When this life is over I have something so far greater that awaits me, I will go home and see Jesus. I will see the very hands who saved me from the life I was knee deep in and lost in. When life get's crazy and I can't see more than a step or two in front of me I hold on to the hope in Him. For as it is written we walk not by sight,but by faith (2 Corinthians 5:7 ).

Be able to stand before your brothers and sisters and profess a good witness. Stand bold saying you have contended the faith and that you haven't compromised. Don't let mocking and rejection discourage you. In fact do what I do is think of it as encouragement. Remember they hated Him first and that the servant is not greater than his master( John 15:20 ). Every time we think man why do we have to go through this or why are things so tough? Think about the life of our Lord Jesus. He was poor, He was beaten, He was wrongly accused, He was betrayed, and He was crucified. Granted we know this was to happen,but friends remember even the apostles were martyred for following in His footsteps. The life and road of living as a saint isn't easy( Matthew 7:13-14 ).

I encourage you to live boldly for Christ. I love how its written in Philippians, For me to live is Christ, to die is gain ( Philippians 1:21 ).Whether in my life now or when I die Christ will be glorified. With every breathe God will get my praise. Sure some days are going to be tougher than others,but still I will fight the good fight. So I ask again are you contending the gospel or compromising it? I pray and hope you are contending with everything that is in you. Be willing to put it all on the line, even if it cost your life. Remember this Discipleship 101,: Deny yourself, Take up your cross daily, and follow Him( Luke 9:23 ). Find your identity in Him, take up the cause of contending the Gospel and follow in His footsteps. Do not conform yourself to this world,but instead be transformed( Romans 12:2 ).

Be encouraged brothers and sisters to fight the good fight. No matter how things look with the economy and all the other crazy things you see turning on the news, know this God is still on the throne.

God bless,
John W. Whybrew III <><

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