Monday, April 20, 2009

A Wise Man Will Hear & Increase Learning ( Proverbs 1:5 )

A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:

Proverbs 1:5


How I wish I had really read and understood this many years ago. How much heart ache and trouble I could have avoided. Something I was talking with a brother and when I say brother I mean brother in Christ, is how God doesn't rely on hindsight He just knows, after all we are talking about God. While looking at this verse I think of how often in our society and culture how often the young people don't seek "counsel" on big decisions nearly as often or at all. Think about it friends how many people around you your age whether at school or where you work making huge decisions and not seeking advice from either their parents, a pastor, or even someone older who has experience in the area of their decision. Instead they are making rash decisions feeling they know what is best and not considering the future. Friends I can tell you personally my last couple of relationships failed due to lack of counsel and lack of proper counsel. If you notice in this verse it says wise counsel. Friends when considering decisions we should seek out wise counsel and not just anyone to speak to just cause we need someone to talk to about it.

For example those of you who are single if your considering dating seek out counsel on that as well. I know that may sound crazy, but I promise it will be beneficial. Seek out godly counsel who knows you and see if one you are ready. Believe it or not you are not the best judge always of making this decision. There is nothing wrong in seeking others advice and in fact you are showing the humility that you want to make the right decision and not rush things.

Friends this of course was one example,but of course there are others and I encourage you always to seek wise counsel. Remember God has placed these individuals in your life for a good purpose and not to harm you. Remember we are to encourage and to edify one another( 1 Thessalonians 5:11, Proverbs 27:17 ). Be encouraged to know that godly counsel is a good thing for better is open rebuke than secret love( Proverbs 27:5 ). Friends sometimes we all can be a little hasty in decision making and the wise counsel will prevent us from harm and through will provide growth. Think about David look how long he waited to be king. He could have taken the throne,but instead he waited. He sought wise counsel, the wisest of counsel with God and through it made a very wise decision.

So friends I encourage you listen to the words of those wise godly people God has provided in your life. Don't despise their counsel, but instead listen.

God bless,
John W. Whybrew III <><

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