Monday, February 2, 2009

This Is The Day The Lord Hath Made: Rejoice!( Psalm 118:24 )

This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24


Have you ever just thanked God for waking up to another sunrise? You know the other day before I ate my breakfast I was thanking God for some things and one thing was to see another sunrise. After saying it, it made me think how many times before in my life had I gotten up and been so ungrateful. How many times before I knew Christ as Lord and Savior did I look at the days as just another day. Now instead I see each day as another opportunity to share the gospel. Now I see the joy in the birds in the air, a dog running in the yard, a bug crawling on a leaf or clouds in the sky. It's amazing how once God opens your eyes how things just don't look the same. No matter how rough life gets I realize the Lord is still on the throne. So instead of complaining when it rains I thank the Lord for the rain that nourishes the grass,trees, and plants. Friends I encourage you take joy in nature and all that God has created. In fact in Paul's letter to the church at Thessalonica he writes rejoice evermore, another words always rejoicing( 1 Thessalonians 5:16 ). Think about friends we can always find something to rejoice about it. Even when things get rough we can rejoice in knowing when life's journey ends here on earth we will go home to spend eternity with Jesus Christ in Heaven.

Friends as we continue to move through 2009 take time to enjoy the beauty of what God has created. Rejoice in what He has created and praise Him for He is due all the glory. Rejoice knowing that when all seems to be falling apart with the country and the economy that God is still on the throne and always will be. I encourage you to share the gospel with someone you have never shared it with. Be bold and not ashamed. For in the gospel is the power of salvation( Romans 1:16 ).

For anyone reading this tonight who has not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Savior I invite you to do so. Ask Him into your heart and admit your a sinner in need of His forgiveness. Be real with Him and cast all your worries, doubts, and fears at His feet, the feet of mercy for He cares for you( 1 Peter 5:7 ) Repent of your old ways and find your identity in Jesus Christ( 2 Corinthians 5:17 ). Don't let your past or not being perfect get in your way( Psalm 103:12, Romans 3:23 ). Instead cast yourself upon His mercy( Luke 18;13 ). Remember He is waiting on you with arms wide open( John 3:16 ). In those arms you will find love( John 15:13 ), mercy( Romans 5:6-8 ), forgiveness( 1 John 1:9 ), and a grace that is sufficient( 2 Corinthians 12:9 ). Will you choose Him? Will you let Him set you free from the bonds of sin( John 8:36 ) ? I encourage you to do so. This is the single greatest choice you will ever make. It is a matter of life and death, life and death eternal( John 3:18 ). Don't wait, make the choice tonight( Matthew 24:36 ) !

God bless,
John W. Whybrew III <><

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