Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Saved By Grace Through Faith ( Ephesians 2:8-9 )

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Ephesians 2:8-9


There are some people, well sadly a lot of people who think they are good people and going to heaven because they do good things or because they go to church. Well, I'm going to be honest only those who do the will of the Father. The truth of the matter is sadly people put on one image in public and are completely different behind the scenes. I know because sadly that used to be me. Sure I didn't do drugs or anything stupid,but still I put on one face to the public and was another. That was one thing God really dealt with me when I got saved last year. Now I'm not saying I'm perfect now,but I thank God everyday for where He has brought me to. I've quit smoking and drinking, I've lost well over 60 pounds, and just so much. While on the outside and to most I appeared a good man, I had a list of things wrong and only God could fix thing. I reflect now to before July 27 ,2007 and glad to see there is nothing left of that old man.

Another thing I've noticed is people think just cause they go to church that will automatically get them in heaven. The thing is there are people going to church acting like saints and living like devils Monday through Saturday. Who do they think they are fooling? Sure they may fool their pastor, their family, members in the congregation, but they are not fooling God. When judgment day comes they will cry Lord, Lord , but He say depart from me for I never knew you( Matthew 7:23 ). The thing is these people just go for fire insurance and that isn't the reason to go. The reason to go to church is to enjoy fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ, to praise God, and to learn more in the Word. You shouldn't go cause you have, but instead you should go cause you want to. Friends it's saddens my heart to know there are people out there who just play church and never get committed. There are those who profess Jesus Christ with their lips,but deny Him with their very lifestyles( Isaiah 29:13 ). I encourage you to live the life according to the Word. Don't justify something just to fit in. Instead be peculiar, a holy person worthy of the calling ( Ephesians 4:1 ). Remember like the verse says clearly we are saved by grace through faith. It is nothing we did,but it everything Christ did when He paid our debt on calvary. All He asked is that we believe( John 3:16 ).

For anyone reading this tonight who has not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Savior I invite you to do so. Ask Him into your heart and admit your a sinner in need of His forgiveness. Be real with Him and cast all your worries, doubts, and fears at His feet, the feet of mercy for He cares for you( 1 Peter 5:7 ). Repent of your old ways and find your identity in Jesus Christ( 2 Corinthians 5:17 ). Don't let your past or not being perfect get in the way( Psalm 103:12, Romans 3:23 ). Instead cast yourself upon His mercy( Luke 18:13 ). Remember He is waiting on you with arms wide open( John 3:16 ). In those arms you will find love( John 15:13 ), mercy( Romans 5:6-8 ), forgiveness( 1 John 1:9 ), and a grace that is sufficient( 2 Corinthians 12:9 ). Will you choose Him? Will you let Him set you free from the bonds of sin( John 8:36 ) ? I encourage you to do so. This is the single greatest choice you will ever make. It is matter of life and death, life and death eternal( John 3:18 ). Don't wait, make the choice tonight( Matthew 24:36 ) !

God bless,
John W. Whybrew III <><

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