Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Be Busy About The Father's Business ( Romans 12:11 )

Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;

Romans 12:11


I've heard some Christians say I want to do something for the Lord,but I'm not sure what. Ever heard that? The thing is there is something every Christian should be doing and that is being busy about the Father's business by sharing the gospel every chance we get. As it says in the first part of this verse not slothful in business. To be slothful is be lazy and lacking work. Another words a slothful person doesn't really get anything accomplished. What I don't understand is the same Christians who ask this question think being a minister, going on a mission trip, or serving in the church is the only ways to serve the Lord, but the truth of the matter is there are so many ways. The most effect way I've found and as simple as it sounds it speaks volumes and that is living a life according to the gospel( 1 Corinthians 9:14 ). Remember in the Sermon on the Mount Jesus spoke on how we are to be the light of the world( Matthew 5:16) and the salt( Matthew 5:13 ) of the earth. To be a light for the this world and its salt, is being a living testimony through your very actions in how you speak and act. Now I'm not saying that any of us will live perfect lives,but we should seek out to conform( Romans 12:2 ) ourselves to His image each and everyday. Friends I've had days where I've fell short of His glory( Romans 3:23 ),but praise God that His mercy is renewed daily( Lamentations 3:23 ).

So brothers and sisters in Christ I encourage you if you have become a little slothful lately get up you sleepers and be busy about the Father's business. This is a new year, full of opportunities to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with someone new. Don't be ashamed for there is nothing in the gospel to be ashamed of. Remember you have something to share with them that will determine where they spend eternity( John 14:6 ).

For anyone reading this tonight who has not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Savior I invite you to do so. Ask Him into your heart and admit your a sinner in need of His forgiveness. Be real with Him and cast all your worries, doubts, and fears at His feet, the feet of mercy for He cares for you( 1 Peter 5:7 ). Repent of your old ways and find your identity in Jesus Christ( 2 Corinthians 5:17 ). Don't let your past or not being perfect get in the way( Psalm 103:12, Romans 3:23 ). Instead cast yourself upon His mercy( Luke 18:13 ). Remember He is waiting on you with arms wide open( John 3:16 ). In those arms you will find love( John 15:13 ), mercy( Romans 5:6-8 ), forgiveness( 1 John 1:9 ), and a grace that is sufficient( 2 Corinthians 12:9 ). Will you choose Him? Will you let Him set you free from the bonds of sin( John 8:36 ) ? I encourage you to do so. This is single greatest choice you will ever make. It is a matter of life and death, life and death eternal( John 3:18 ). Don't wait, make the choice tonight( Matthew 24:36 )!

God bless,
John W. Whybrew III <><

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