Thursday, August 6, 2009

Restore Them In A Spirit Of Meekness ( Galatians 6:1 )

Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.

Galatians 6:1


Speaking to the brethren the Apostle Paul states that if another brethren were overtaken by fault or another words does sin by error. What I mean by this is he or she did not do this as they just sought after it,but as we know we are by no means perfect. Those of us who are spiritual their brethren should restore them with a spirit of meekness. Consider right here what the Apostle Paul is talking about the helping of one another. He in no way is condoning or saying hey let it slide. He instead is seeking that it be handled rightly. Read Romans 15. Remember those of us who are stronger in the faith should help bear the weak. When I say weak I don't in any means, mean they are inferior, less important, it is they are just not as strong in the faith as we. Of course to some measure we are all weak in some areas and hence we work as a body who ultimately relies on Christ( 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 ). I can't being to even tell you the joy I find in knowing I have brethren I can lean on who are stronger in areas where I'm weak and finding I can help others. What this shows is unity in that we work as a body does. The foot doesn't hate the eye nor the leg the ear.

Now see also it says to restore them in a spirit of meekness. I feel the need to always remind us that meek is not weak. Sadly when you would ask people their definition of the word meek I'd take it that is what they would give you is being weak or cowardly. Take that definition and think about Matthew 11:29, I think quickly you see the absurdity of it. Instead when you instead see its proper definition as follows; mildness and gentleness. Now placing that in light of scripture it makes sense and goes with the very character of Christ. This is as I shared with the kids at youth group last night why studying is so vital when it comes to the scriptures. There is nothing wrong with reading your bible,but take time to get to know God through deep study. After all that is why God inspired( 2 Timothy 3:16 ), "Study to shew thyself approved unto God a workman that need not be ashamed rightly diving the Word of truth( 2 Timothy 2:15 )."

Friends when restoring them in this spirit of meekness notice the Apostle Paul does give a warning to consider ourselves lest we be tempted. This simply means that we take the matter in prayer and handle the situation biblical. Too many times problems escalate even in churches because people overstep boundaries and here is the solution right here. Along with that church discipline is covered thoroughly in Matthew 18. We do need to look out for one another,but at the same time need to take care of ourselves as well. I know that may sound selfish at first glance,but consider this. What help are you to that person if by not protecting yourself through prayerfully considering the course of action and handling things biblical what help are you to them? I also believe this temptation is not only to protect us from sinning,but not too become full of who we are. Granted that will lead to a sin of pride, but I believe you see what I mean. We need to realize even if we are a stronger brother or sister that we need to prayerfully and biblically approach each situation when our brethren err and its obvious we can help. Don't stand back and don't be afraid to help,but also don't be ignorant of what is laid out in scripture.

Brethren I pray tonight this has been encouragement for you. If a brother or sister errs in fault do help them in a spirit of meekness. Do so biblical and with much prayer. Consider the warning the Apostle Paul gave and if you feel impressed upon your heart that any way your motive is not pure and could led to temptation to the sin of pride and or any other step back and repent before God( 1 John 1:9 ). Remember we need to remove anything in our lives before seeking to help another( Matthew 7:3-5 ). I leave you with these encouraging words from our Lord and Saviour.

"Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. "
( Matthew 5:7-9 )

Good night and God bless,
John W. Whybrew III <><

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