Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Woman Who Fears The Lord: Now That Is Beautiful ( Proverbs 31:30 )

Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.

Proverbs 31:30


Well, tonight this text as you can see is obviously about women. Now with that statement I'm sure that might stir up thoughts of well, I'm a guy guess I don't need to read this or I'm a lady and that sounds insulting. To respond to both this is both encouraging for you both. You know I've read the 31st chapter of proverbs before, but I tell you those very qualities are what young ladies should be striving for in their walk with Christ and what mature women of faith should continue in. You know I've mentioned to a couple sisters that I'm waiting on a proverbs 31:10 women. No joke, I'm serious being patient and waiting on God's best. The absolute qualities you have described in proverbs 31, starting at verse 10 and going through verse 30. I admire women who take being a proverbs 31 women serious.

Now moving into the text tonight, first off it says favour or in other translations charm is deceitful. Amazing in today's culture physical attraction is highly praised and saluted. In fact at a very young age our children are taught to catch the opposite sex attention by how they look. This is disgusting because obviously it devalues the person,but more importantly it puts the central focus on self. When they do that and they become the center point of their lives or that person who they want their attention so bad they have made idols in their lives. You may think I am being extreme. Now friends it is one thing to make a good impression, but it is certainly different to become overwhelmed in it. Remember you are to have no other god before Him( Exodus 20:3 ).

Next it goes on to say beauty is vain. As we know the word vain means worthless. It does truly amaze me how much people spend on "beauty" products. They go to such extremes and spend so much and for what? Now I know I'm probably going to get some hard remarks from females. What I'm referencing to is the overindulgence to it. Once again why is the emphasis on you? Do you realize you could buy very minimal and still look just fine. I remember a girl I dated a few years back and granted I was not the man I am now, but even then I realized something she looked just fine to me without all the "paint". What I'm trying to say is I believe too often people get wrapped up in the latest fads and this can range from make-up to types of clothes. Instead of being consumed in it be consumed by God and let His light shine through you. Let your inner beauty shine through. Do you read anywhere in those passage in Proverbs 31 about how this virtuous woman looks great with the latest lipstick or man I love her earrings. Sisters know this I'm not being mean spirited or attacking you. I'm encouraging you be a woman after His heart.

It continues on with a woman that fears the Lord, and then ends with she shall be praised. I can't begin to even tell you how attractive that sounds to me. A woman who fears the Lord. She recognizes the very attributes of who He is and lives in reverences to Him. Her very life is marked by growing in holiness and desiring to serve Him in all that she does. You can clearly see this from other verses in proverbs 31. Did you know that a wife submits to her husband not because she is inferior or cause she isn't important,but in reverence to God( Ephesians 5:21-22 ).

Sisters I encourage you as read this to live modestly. What really touches my heart is a sister who loves God so much that it is her inner beauty that shines above all. Let me state again this is not an attack,but encouragement. Guys read Proverbs 31 alongside 1 Corinthians 13. Understand before you even consider the altar and I do, know this do you understand true love and do you know what you want in a woman. Remember what the Apostle Paul said to the men at the church at Corinth, " Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. Let all your things be done with charity. (1 Corinthians 16:13-14 ) " His instructions were clear be a man and do everything with love. So yes tonight my message was mostly for my sisters, but brothers considers this is the women your interested have the characteristics of a proverbs 31 woman? Can you say that or does she seem so caught up in vanity of this world ?

I leave you my brethren with the words of our dear Lord and Saviour as encouragement.

" But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. "
Matthew 6:33

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