Tuesday, November 3, 2009

In All We Do May We Seek To Please God ( Colossians 3:22-25 )

Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God: And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.

Colossians 3:22-25


Tonight while I was doing my closing duties at work this text well this one and a few others came across my mind. You know not long after the Lord saved me I remember how I did loathe working on a sunday here and there. That I still do and of course working at a retail sporting place versus out doing mission work or serving in the ministry. The thing was quite early in my walk I felt that if I wasn't reading my bible, in prayer or working in the ministry I couldn't give God glory in other secular areas. Now I will be careful as to not stretch boundaries,but what I didn't understand was that the entire life of the Christian was to give God glory throughout his or her life. Let me expound say when you drink a glass of water have you consider you can do that to the glory of God. You can in that moment before you drink thank God for providing it. Even while you drink think of how He provides such provision and give Him glory for such things that He does daily that while some would seem so mundane you are thankful to see His hand in. Do you see what I mean now and how it changes things. This is what it means to have God literally at the center of your life. That when you are hungry you look to Him. For you know even though you go to the store to buy your groceries it is Him who is providing, for it is Him who keeps you in a job, it is Him who keeps that store there, and it is Him who brought the very food there through the various means. People may call me crazy outside the world of evangelicals, but I personally don't care I will give God the glory for it His and His alone.

Tonight's text the one which of a few that was on my mind was Colossians 3:23, but I felt the need to expound a few other verses around to give context and some understanding. Not only that,but it was so relevant to where I thought on this text and we can apply this not only at work, but in all areas in which we consider mundane. This can range from eating our breakfast to cleaning around the house. May we not take this events and say just another meal or do I have to clean that again,but seek to give God the glory in it. Believe me I'm sure you can as I seek to myself. I'm not saying it is always easy as there are days at work I struggle when dealing with tough customers,but we just need to prayer for strength and encouragement daily. Now I dive into the text and I pray this is both encouraging and most edifying to you my brethren.

Starting in verse 22 the Apostle Paul writes, "Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God:" Notice here the apostle states that yes servants are to obey their masters. This in no way endorses slavery. What instead the apostle is talking about is submission to authority. For further instruction read Romans 13. This is we are to submit to their authority as God has placed them in authority and to rebel against them ultimately is to go against God. Remember our first and foremost allegiance is to God. The apostle continues with how to serve them. This is genuine service as not just for attention. Another we do out of a genuine servitude. A good example of this today would be in the work place. When you are under someone don't just do something when they are looking so they will notice,but instead seek to do your best always. Remember we are not living this life to please men. Granted were not here to go around purposefully ticking people off although when you share the gospel it will offend, but ultimately do all things in seeking to please God. This brings me to last point which the apostle states in singleness of heart, fearing God. This to have simplicity or purity of heart. Another words may your heart have a pure motive and the apostle states it that is fearing God. May it be when in the work place we seek to do our best with reverence to our Heavenly Father not seeking the approval of man. Not hoping or thinking they will notice what I've done,but instead having singleness of heart and fearing God.

Next the apostle states and whatsoever you do, do so heartily to the Lord and not to men. Here the apostle is driving the point we should not be out to gain the attention of man. Too often you see it happen in school, work, and other places where people want to get noticed and gain fame. Think for example of the football player TO. I remember reading or hearing something that he was more concerned about getting stats than if his team won. Think about that statement right there. Do you see a big problem ? He has forgotten obvious it is a team sport. Do you also see the very prideful nature of man. How man seeks to please himself and thinks only of himself. My friends left in our unregenerated state that is how we would be. You know I have to remind myself and maybe its being a man I don't know that pride fights everyday. I've come to the honest reality I'm not humble,but instead growing in humility by God's grace daily. It is like I told a dear brother that to say your humble or to write it down on a job application as a quality you might as well have written proud. I can't any credit for this as I heard this from a pastor and its true. For to declare look at me I'm humble rings the very essence of a proud and haughty spirit.

I believe honestly verse 24 is quite simple and to the point. The Apostle Paul states to the Christians at Colosse whom he is addressing that the Lord is the inheritance of believers which is one reason we should not seek man's approval. You know I reflect on the thought and this came to mind a while back the Lord would never have to bless me again with anything and still I would praise Him. For salvation to me is sufficient reason enough to praise,but more than that He is my joy and my portion for ever more.

In closing with verse 25 the apostle writes to whom does wrong will get as they deserve. At the end the apostle notes for the Lord is not a respect of persons stating whether it be the least or greatest they still shall get what they receive. Here he is driving the point that whether you or the one whom you are in submission does wrong it matter not the position for both shall receive their due reward. This goes perfect which what the scriptures say for man is appointed to die once and then to judgment( Hebrews 9:27 ). It matters not if you are the president, a congressmen, or a janitor.

My friends/brethren please take to heart that if you are in place of employment do your best at your work and not so as eyepleasers,but as way to give glory to God in reverence to showing your submission to the authority He has placed in your life. Consider even the mundane task in your life as opportunity to give God glory. Don't take for granted the meals you eat and don't grumble or complain as you do chores,but instead seek even in those to give Him praise. Remember we are to live lives pleasing to God, not men( Galatians 1:10). Consider also when not grumbling you will be seeking to honor God's law and will be seeking to please Him. Do you I ask seek to be more like His son? Do you seek to say with the Apostle Paul I die daily( 1 Corinthians 15:31 )? Here is a few ways in which we do these things. Practical yet I'm sure we may or may not have thought of them,but it is worth not only considering,but applying to our lives. May I leave you with these words of encouragement from psalm 19.

"The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.

More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.

Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.

Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults.

Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer."

( Psalm 19:9-14 )

Good night and God bless,
John W. Whybrew III <><

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