Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fight The Good Fight ( 1 Timothy 6:12 )

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.

1 Timothy 6:12


I love this verse as it speaks to me as a kinda rally cry for Christians. Everyday we should be out fighting the good fight of faith. Now I know when most people hear the word fight they think of fist fights or those involving weapons like swords,guns or any other instruments of warfare. The thing is the good fight is holding true to living a life according to the gospel. Do you realize everyday when you wake and pray you are fighting the good fight or when treated harshly and you responded with kind words? Friends we don't have to go out and pick fights for the battle is already won. When Jesus went to calvary He won the war and declared it when He said it is done( John 19:30 ).

Friends when faced with a tough situation and all we do it cry out to Him in prayer and trust Him completely is yet another way to fight the good fight. Remember the battle is not our,but is the Lord's( 1 Samuel 17:46-47 ). Another part of fighting the good fight is sharing the gospel. Friends there are people who are lost and in darkness and without Jesus they have no hope. Another thing to remember is how did you come to know Jesus? Did someone tell you? I know someone told me and I am so very thankful for it. Truly telling someone about Jesus Christ is the greatest thing you can do. I know for me telling someone about what Jesus has done for me and what He can do for them makes me feel such joy. I love talking about Him. He is my joy,my contentment, my reason to live, He is my everything. In knowing He has freed me from the second death through His death on that old rugged tree encourages me to share the gospel even knowing the fact it could cost me my life. Despite that I'm come to understand the Christian conflict( Philippians 1:20-21 ). What I mean by conflict is any true believer if you ask them where they want to be would say heaven,but know now while living they can do so much for those here alive. Sure we want to go to heaven,but also we want more to know Jesus Christ as Lord and savior.

Friends once again I encourage you to fight the good fight, hold fast to the faith. The rewards far outweigh the trials and tribulations. For we have a crown of life awaiting us in glory, our home in heaven( James 1:12 ).

For anyone reading this tonight who has not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and personal savior I invite you to do so. Ask Him into your heart and admit your a sinner in need of His forgiveness. Be real with Him and cast all your worries, doubts, and fears at His feet, the feet of mercy for He cares for you( 1 Peter 5:7 ). Repent of your old ways and find your identity in Jesus Christ( 2 Corinthians 5:17 ). Don't let your past or not being perfect get in the way( Psalm 103:12, Romans 3:23 ). Instead cast yourselves upon His mercy( Luke 18:13 ). He is waiting on you with arms wide open( John 3:16). In those arms you will find love( John 15:13 ), mercy( Romans 5:6-8 ), forgiveness( 1 John 1:9 ), and a grace that is sufficient( 2 Corinthians 12:9 ). Will you choose Him? Will you let Him free you from the bonds of sin( John 8:36 )? I encourage you to do so. This is the single greatest choice you will ever make. It is truly a matter of life and death, life and death eternally( John 3:18 ). Don't wait, make the choice tonight( Matthew 24:36 )!

God bless,
John W. Whybrew III <><

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